Let's build a mobile application with Ionic Framework #2

To Build this app first we need to get Audio books data, since we don't have a web service for this we just calling data.json file


The json array contains all informations about book such as title , category and author , w're gone to
make it simple  we need just create ionic application first with command line

ionic start books blank

This Creating ionic application in books folder , blank stands for template we are using empty


cd books

Changing directory to books folder

ionic serve

This is starting and listening to http server in 8100 port,we are gone to keep this command when

working on the project

we also need to place data.json in root of the project,to use it later

NB : Don't forget to install ionic before you begin(nodejs is required)
npm install -g cordova ionic

here our ionic application structure  all the html  files are in the www folder


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