Creating my First PHP Framework : Day 3

The Controller Ohhh this magic piece of code  ,  to simplify things the role of controller is knowing

which part of code to load .

The idea here is a creating a class to auto load a model  and a functions to load view(template) , but...

wait we have to know witch controller to load first , don't worry the is the Magic App.php file :

Each time we load an url we have to decompose with ( URLparser function ) it into


in this file we take the url , extract the controller'name  as array   , after we require the controller

file(after checking if exist)

require_once "../app/controllers/".$this->controller.'.php';

Lastly , we use call_user_func_array to call the URL

call_user_func_array( [$this->controller, $this->method], $this->params);

The framework github


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